Pet Memorial Videos

A Beautiful Way to Keep Memories
of Your Beloved Pets “Close to Heart”

JUST IMAGINE: your pet’s photos set to music and motion!
This is an easy way to share through the Internet or DVD.
This is an honorable way to share memories
of your pets with friends and family.

All of our Pet Memorial Packages include “Beautiful Full Motion” — not choppy cuts like other companies. You will also get smooth dissolve transitions between your photos

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Pet Memorial Video Packages

  1. Bronze: 20 Photos set to music and full motion, One DVDs included: $65.00
  2. Silver 30 Photos set to music and full motion, Two DVDs included: $95.00
  3. Gold 50 Photos set to music and full motion, Two DVDs included: $150.00

Additional Services

  • Add Additional Photos: $2.90 each
  • Add Additional music track: $5.00
  • Additional DVD’s, $15.00 each
  • Upload to Internet,$10.00

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